Joey Excels Thanks to tVisit® Teleservices
Joey was diagnosed with bilateral severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss. The diagnosis shocked his family. “We knew we wanted to find a way for Joey to be part of hearing society,” said Stefanie, Joey’s mother. Joey began Clarke’s tVisit Teleservices in June 2021 and his family also participated in virtual caregiver groups.
Clarke’s tVisits® deliver Listening and Spoken Language services remotely to families of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Joey’s parents, Stefanie and Mike, couldn’t be more thrilled with their son’s progress, stating, “the program provided us the opportunity to ask questions, educate ourselves and most importantly educate our child. Besides the educational aspect, the emotional support and strength Clarke has provided through its tVisits are immeasurable.” Joey is approaching his one-year hearing anniversary which celebrates the day his cochlear implant was activated!
Joey’s family reports that he is building on his receptive language every day, that he loves to sing and has a few words in his pocket. “We are forever grateful to have started Joey with tVisits as early as we did. We are proud to be a part of the Clarke tVisit family.”