Webinar Series for Professionals
Join Clarke experts for webinars designed to help LSL professionals grow their skills and knowledge.
Upcoming Webinars for Professionals
More webinars for professionals are coming!
Pre-register for future webinars. Sign up to be the first to receive information about future knowledge-sharing events for professionals. Questions? Contact us at events@clarkeschools.org.Recorded Webinars for Professionals

Guided Observations and Parent Engagement
Certificates of attendance/completion and CEUs are only available to live webinar attendees, not for viewings of recorded webinars posted here.
Clarke does not promote or endorse the use of specific hearing assistive technologies or hearing assistive technology brands.

Trading in the One-Time In-Service for Consistent Communication with School Teams
Certificates of attendance/completion and CEUs are only available to live webinar attendees, not for viewings of recorded webinars posted here.
Clarke does not promote or endorse the use of specific hearing assistive technologies or hearing assistive technology brands.

Deaf Plus: Addressing the Needs of Students with Hearing Loss and Additional Challenges
Certificates of attendance/completion and CEUs are only available to live webinar attendees, not for viewings of recorded webinars posted here.
Clarke does not promote or endorse the use of specific hearing assistive technologies or hearing assistive technology brands.

Social-Emotional Competency for Children Learning to Listen, Talk and Think
Certificates of attendance/completion and CEUs are only available to live webinar attendees, not for viewings of recorded webinars posted here.
Clarke does not promote or endorse the use of specific hearing assistive technologies or hearing assistive technology brands.

Perspectives on a Listening and Spoken Language Approach to Supporting Children with Unilateral Hearing Loss
Certificates of attendance/completion and CEUs are only available to live webinar attendees, not for viewings of recorded webinars posted here.
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How to change a wax guard: Phonak CeruShield