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Clarke Pennsylvania Location Update

Clarke Pennsylvania Has Moved!

Clarke welcomes tri-state area families to new home at Saint Joseph’s University

Partnership opens opportunities for experiential learning and interprofessional programming.

Clarke Pennsylvania completed its move to Saint Joseph’s University’s Hawk Hill campus at the end of August 2024, providing opportunities for experiential learning and interprofessional programming between both institutions. A renovation of 5414 Overbrook Avenue now provides a customized space for Clarke students to learn and play. Our new location opened at the start of the 2024-2025 school year.

Clarke is excited to welcome our families to our new home in Philadelphia! 

Clarke needs you! Support Clarke’s relocation and new home at Saint Joseph’s University.  Donations will support design, construction, relocation, technology, families and more. 

New USJ location

Clarke Pennsylvania at Saint Joseph's University includes:

  • an early intervention suite
  • observation rooms
  • speech and language therapy rooms
  • multiple preschool classrooms
  • a sensory space
  • a family center
  • an outdoor play area 

About the Partnership

Clarke’s mission aligns with Saint Joseph’s many programs including, but not limited to special education (BS, MS), deaf and hard of hearing education (MS), communication science and disorders (BS) and early childhood/elementary education (BS, MS), and the University’s plans to launch a graduate program in speech and language pathology in coming years.  

Clarke’s space at 5414 Overbrook Avenue will be shared with Saint Joseph’s staff members and will be newly renovated to provide families with a robust continuum of Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) services from the early weeks of infancy all the way through high school graduation. 

In addition, the University’s community of undergraduates and graduate students will gain access to practicum placements and a national research partner. Clarke’s refreshed, secure, collaborative space will draw the best and the brightest LSL professionals-in-the-making who are seeking mission-driven work.   

By the Numbers

Clarke’s new location will provide refreshed academic, professional, meeting and gathering spaces.

preschool classrooms
speech-language therapy rooms
early intervention suite
office areas and a staff suite
oberservation rooms
conference room

Clarke Needs You

We welcome donations to support Clarke’s relocation and new home at Saint Joseph’s University.  

As a nonprofit serving a community of children with hearing loss and their families in an urban setting, support is necessary to make Clarke’s new partnership-based operating model possible. All donations to this relocation are an investment in the future of LSL services in the Philadelphia area. With your support, children who are deaf or hard of hearing will continue to receive evidence-based education and therapeutic services from expert teachers of the deaf, speech-language pathologists and audiologists.

Donations to the Clarke Pennsylvania capital campaign will support design, construction, relocation, technology, families and more. And because of your generosity, we will welcome our team, families and children to a safe, dynamic space, while simultaneously leveraging our expertise to assist a renowned University community in exploring and preparing for careers in our field. Additionally, you will demonstrate your commitment to the wellbeing of a wide network of families seeking support, as your gift will enable Clarke to be an educational contributor to a Preschool Program for children with typical hearing and a speech clinic at Saint Joseph’s University.   

Support the future of LSL services in the Philadelphia area!


Please contact Brian Boni,

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