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Tune In! Clarke Director Shares National Early Intervention Telepractice Insights

Podcast hosts Kim Dutro Allen and Dr. K. Todd Houston interview Dr. Barbara Hecht, director of Clarke Boston, for an episode of Telepractice Today.

The interview highlights Clarke’s national scan on state early intervention telepractice policies. In partnership with Brown University graduate students in public affairs, Clarke conducted a state-by-state national survey of policies, funding sources and reimbursement eligibility for EI telepractice services. This national scan revealed a diverse landscape across the country. 

Clarke is a pioneer in providing and evaluating the impact of listening and spoken language (LSL) EI services via videoconferencing, offering its first tVISIT (telepractice Virtual Intervention Services for Infants and Toddlers) Program session in early 2013. 

Listen to the interview here. 


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