Tune in to the BIG PICTURE Social Emotional Learning Podcast to hear Sherri Fickenscher, M.S., LSLS Cert. AVEd, teacher of the deaf and education support specialist at Clarke, discuss the importance of social-emotional instruction and support for children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families.
Podcast host Nini White explains, “hearing is a sense most of us take for granted. In this conversation I learned about the multitude of ways that not hearing impacts, really impacts, social and emotional interactions.”
Throughout the episode, Sherri and Nini explore the impact of a child’s hearing loss on the child and their caregivers, and discuss empathy, resilience, self-awareness, coaching, problem-solving, grief, advocacy, mainstreaming, “doing hard things” and more!
Sherri emphasizes the importance of building children’s self-esteem and confidence by making sure they have connections with the people in their lives and Nini notes the importance of “giving them the skills to anchor them into the world they are sharing.”
Listen in to learn more about how many of the strategies Listening and Spoken Language specialists use for children developing their spoken language skills are linked to social-emotional learning.
Please contact us to request a transcript of the podcast.