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Pennsylvania Director of Special Education Visits Clarke Philadelphia

Clarke Philadelphia students and educators greeted a special visitor on February 27.

Carole Clancy directs and manages Pennsylvania’s Bureau of Special Education which works “collaboratively with educators, schools, agencies, and other stakeholders across the state to ensure students have access to quality and meaningful education supports, services and opportunities.” Carole began the role in 2019. This was her first visit to Clarke.

“We were thrilled to host Carole and explain more about our work,” said Judy Sexton, director of Clarke Philadelphia. “The best way for people to understand what we do is to spend time in our classrooms. Clarke students truly speak for themselves! We are grateful to Carole for taking the time to learn more about listening and spoken language education for students who are deaf or hard of hearing.”

The visit included a meeting and tour. Clarke preschoolers told Carole about their lessons that day and even challenged her to a balancing contest!

“Kids really do say the darndest things!” remarked Judy. “It’s our privilege to help them express themselves through spoken language and to share their progress with the Department of Education.”

Clarke Philadelphia: Visit with Carole Clancy


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