New York City: New York City is committed to providing meals to every student, every day — no matter if they attend public, private or charter school. The meals will be provided at every school for the remainder of this week from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Philadelphia: The School District and City of Philadelphia will provide meal service and drop-in activity space for students at over 80 locations. View this map to find meal and activity sites near you:
Boston: Families can pick up packaged meal options at several different locations throughout Boston. View this map to find a meal site near you.
Jacksonville: The Duval County school district will be handing out free curbside lunches and snacks. The lunches may be picked up curbside at all district-managed schools between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. For additional details visit here.
Northampton: Beginning, Thursday, March 19, Northampton Public Schools will be providing meals to school-aged children 18 or younger. They will provide a bagged lunch as well as a bagged breakfast. You do not need to be a student from the Northampton public school district to participate.
Meals will be available at the following sites, Monday through Friday from 11-12pm and distributed from yellow school buses:
- Hampshire Heights
- Florence Heights
- Meadowbrook Apartments
- 236 Pleasant Street