Joo Young Hong, a teacher of the deaf at Clarke, has authored a reflection piece in the Hearing Impairments chapter of “Exceptional Lives: Practice, Progress, & Dignity in Today’s Schools,” 10th edition titled “My Voice: The Power of Accommodations for Hearing Loss During and Beyond COVID-19.”
Joo Young, who was diagnosed with profound hearing loss and uses Listening and Spoken Language to communicate, writes about advocating for life-saving accommodations while navigating COVID-19.
Unable to lip-read or read facial cues, Joo Young describes the challenges masks brought when trying to communicate with others, along with increased fear of being misunderstood. With increased risks of racist violence towards mask-wearing and the rise of anti-Asian hate, Joo Young underscores the importance of self-advocacy.
Read examples of how Joo Young received accommodations for her hearing loss and empowers her students with hearing loss to be strong advocates for themselves.
Access Joo Young’s reflection chapter here.