much time do you spend on email and phone calls in a typical week? If your days
are anything like mine then the answer is, “a lot!” In addition to working with
school staff and students, communication with parents takes a great deal of
time but is so important.
Parents are critical members of the
team and, as itinerant TOD/HOH, our role in communicating with families can
sometimes be unclear to school staff and to parents themselves. In the worst-case
scenario, school teams may feel threatened, wondering what it is we are
reporting to the parents, and parents may view us as being in allegiance with
the school at the expense of their child’s needs. However, in the best-case
scenarios, parents and school staff welcome open communication and see it as a
benefit to all. As TOD/HOH, we can take steps to regularly communicate in
meaningful ways with parents and school teams in order to create trust among
all team members.
School teams must understand why we
need to communicate with families and we must take steps to alleviate any fears
or misunderstandings they may have about what it is we are reporting. One
school I worked with expressed concern that the parents may view their child’s teacher
as incompetent if I talked with them before and after my classroom observations.
A staff member at another school informed me that my regular communication with
families may make the teachers in the building look “lazy” as this type of
communication was not standard at their school. I have also heard concerns
related to being seen as a “spy” more than once! In each situation, in addition
to building trust within the school in other ways, offering to CC (copy) relevant
team members on emails to parents and summarizing phone conversations to
relevant staff members, have both, over time, lessened these worries. Below are
tips for keeping parents in the loop!
Start a phone or email routine: Find
out how parents like to be contacted and let them know when you will be in
touch. Some parents are worriers. These are the ones we hear from constantly.
Others, for various reasons, are extremely difficult to get ahold of – even
when we really need them! Set expectations at the beginning of the year that
allow you to create boundaries while still meeting the needs of the families
that you work with. For students who I see monthly or only a few times a year,
I call or email parents before and after each visit. For students who I see
more regularly, I contact families bi-weekly, either by email or phone with an
update and to hear their concerns. Knowing that I will be in touch is
reassuring for the parents.
Video Share: Consider videotaping your
work with a student on occasion and sharing it with the family. This is really
helpful especially for families moving from early intervention to a school
setting since the initial transition can be shocking! Parents go from being key
players in their child’s learning to having very limited interaction, if any,
during therapies! In some cases, I’ve videotaped my sessions (with permission)
to share with families so that they can still feel connected. One parent
reported playing the videos at home, giving her son extra “sessions” at home!
Communication Books: Use a
communication book that goes home on a regular basis with the student where you
and the parent share information. This is not a new idea but can be a very
effective way of communicating for all students. It’s also helpful for me when
students have multiple service providers who use the book so that I know what
my student is working on in other settings and can stay up to date as well!
Online Documentation: Make use of today’s
technology! A colleague of mine works in a school where each staff member and
the parents contribute to an online document. This process is similar to a
communication notebook but rather than the student bringing the book between
home and school, all notes are done online.
Translations: Be aware and sensitive to
parents who may not be English language users and find ways to communicate with
them. I don’t speak Spanish but one of my families does! I am fortunate to have
a colleague who can translate my letters home to this family. When they
respond, my colleague translates for me once again. Bi-lingual parents may
already feel left out of school information and I want to be sure my families
know exactly what I’m doing with their children!
Hand Written Notes: Handwritten letters
are always an option. Not all the families that I work with have consistent
access to phones or computers but that shouldn’t limit communication!
The parents with whom I work have varying levels of
participation in their children’s school programs. Some parents contact me
almost daily, others I hear from more irregularly. Regardless, meeting parents
where they are and helping them to stay involved is a critical component of
this job. It is our job to reach out to all parents!
How do you work with parents?
1 Comment
Dr. Cindy Fleming
Where were we before the computer???
I do remember the time!!
I email my parents all the time. When I was in the site based, small group classroom, every Monday I would email all my parents to let them know what was on the agenda for both academics and for activities. I also maintained a teacher blog and and would post student writings and art work all the time so parents could share with family members.
Now that I'm an Itinerant — I still communicate with my parents through emails and maintain my Blog for the General Ed. Teachers and information for my parents for grades Kdg. to Senior in HS. I try to keep my blog up to for both.
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