Team Reopening
Planning for Safe Returns to Clarke Sites
As Clarke sites reopen in stages, all Clarke team members are asked to follow the guidance of their state reopening plans, Departments of Health and the CDC.
- Site Log Form for Contact Tracing (web-based) – Use this form to sign in and out of each Clarke location every time you are working on site.
- Employee Self Certification to Return to Work – Complete this form and return it to HR before working at a Clarke location for the first time since pandemic closures and before returning to on-site work after testing positive for COVID-19.
- Additional Contact Tracing Log for Team Members Testing Positive for COVID-19 – Completed by a team member who tests positive for COVID-19.
Policies and Best Practices
Clarke also requires all on-site team members to adhere to these policies and best practices (as well as the practices outlined by state/location further down this page):
- Remote Work
Continue based on direction from your supervisor. Clarke’s Remote Work practices remain applicable. - On-Site Work
Team members should follow their supervisor’s direction regarding returning to on-site work. Check Clarke’s reopening FAQs for additional information. The Human Resources Team is available if you have questions or concerns. - Entries and High-Touch Areas
Face coverings, hand sanitizer or access to hand washing and Clorox cleaner (or similar) will be posted at all entrances and near all high-touch areas. - Cleaning
Clarke sites will follow CDC guidelines for cleaning. - Signage
Prior to having staff on-site, signage will be posted at entryways, in shared spaces and throughout facilities to indicate health and safety measures that need to be taken. Areas where face coverings and social distancing are required should be indicated. - Social Distancing
Prior to staff on-site, shared spaces should be marked as closed or signs posted to indicate face coverings and/or social distancing are needed. Chairs, desks and other furniture should marked off or rearranged to facilitate social distancing. Maintain a social distance of six feet and when not possible, wear a face covering. Continue virtual meetings to avoid gatherings. - Face Coverings
Regulations for wearing face coverings vary by state. Team members can use their own face covering that meets CDC guidelines. Clarke will have face coverings available as needed. If face coverings are mandated, they must be worn on Clarke sites in all shared spaces such as hallways, entryways, printer/copier areas, kitchens, bathrooms, etc. Coverings do not need to be work when team members are working alone in a private space. - Health & Hygiene
- Wash hands frequently and for 20 seconds.
- Clarke will provide additional hand sanitizer.
- Be vigilant for symptoms.
- Stay home/go home if you are ill. (COVID-19 symptoms)
- Read Clarke’s COVID-19 exposure and return-to-work policy
- Accommodations
Team members at high risk can speak with their supervisor about continued remote work. Please speak with your supervisor and/or Human Resources if you need additional accommodations for on-site work.
Check Clarke’s reopening FAQs for additional information. All protocols are subject to change as more information becomes available.